Get Up, Take Your Mat, and Go Home.
Hey everyone! Quick encouragement for today. You ever feel like something is holding you back? Maybe your weight/health, bad habits, toxic relationships…everyone would complain there’s something in life they’d like to make better. You just can’t seem to get any gumption to go and change it! You feel trapped…lethargic…without any energy or power to try. We’re all in that boat. But you don’t have to stay there. I was reading last night in the book of Matthew. I have been doing this “Bible in 1 Year” plan, reading the Bible in a different translation than I normally would…it’s really helping me see Scripture in a new light. In last night’s passage, Jesus was healing a paralytic. Some friends of the paralyzed man brought him to Jesus, lying on a mat. This is the story where Jesus first forgives the sins of the paralytic and is instantly criticized by the “religious men” for forgiving sins instead of just performing a miracle, like usual. Jesus, in the part of His response to the crit...